Wednesday, December 12, 2012

FINAL: Implementation, Evaluation, and Control

"Through strategic planning, the company decides what it wants to do with each business unit. Marketing planning involves deciding on marketing strategies that will help the company attain its overall strategic objectives. A detailed marketing plan is needed for each business, product, or brand. What does a marketing plan look like? Our discussion focuses on product or brand marketing plans."(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 56)the first task is to set realistic goals and complete them in order and devise a plan how to meet those goals in a timely manner. finalizing the target marketing program we want to run with is important for reciving the results expected. constanly evaluating actual numbers and performance and comparing them to the projected results will decrease errors in the over all marketing plan. Meeting the goals we want brings success to the plan we set for the product, building a cohesive team will drive results up and can possibly beat the projected outcome. "The company should analyze its markets and marketing environment to find attractive opportunities and identify environmental threats. It should analyze company strengths and weaknesses as well as current and possible marketing actions to determine which opportunities it can best pursue. The goal is to match the company’s strengths to attractive opportunities in the environment, while eliminating or overcoming the weaknesses and minimizing the threats. Marketing analysis provides inputs to each of the other marketing management functions."(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 56  )


"To compete with store brands, national brands must sharpen their value propositions, especially in these lean economic times. In the long run, however, leading brand marketers must invest in R&D to bring out new brands, new features, and continuous quality improvements. They must design strong advertising programs to maintain high awareness and preference. And they must find ways to “partner” with major distributors in a search for distribution economies and improved joint performance."(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 232 )

Our product will be distributed to these location and stocked in location based on the target market we are trying to capture the attention of. partnering up with our distributors and packagers will create more of a team effort to produce and deliver consistently to serve the demand of the product.
  • Bars
  • Clubs
  • Grocery Stores
  • Casinos
  • Mini-Markets
Locking down these places will level the playing field for our product, even though our product is targeted to adults we would still like to expand the age group of our consumer for future marketing endeavors. In the grocery stores and mini-marts we will have our display real plain and simple but still catches your eye, we would like to have it in two places if possible near the Wine and Spirits if sold at location and by the other snack items such as chips and other party snacks. In the clubs and casinos they will be on some sort of menu located by the bar or at the tables.We want to make our product as obtainable as possible for the enjoyment of our customer. 

They control what products they stock, where they go on the shelf, what prices they charge, and which ones they will feature in local circulars. Retailers often price their store brands lower than comparable national brands, thereby appealing to the budget-conscious shopper in all of us. Although store brands can be hard to establish and costly to stock and promote, they also yield higher profit margins for the reseller. And they give resellers exclusive products that cannot be bought from competitors, resulting in greater store traffic and loyalty.(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 232 )

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Managing the marketing function begins with a complete analysis of the company’s situation. The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis, by which it evaluates the company’s overall strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities (O), and threats (T) . Strengths include internal capabilities, resources, positive situational factors that may help the company to serve its customers and achieve its objectives. Weaknesses include internal limitations and negative situational factors that may interfere with the company’s performance. Opportunities are favorable factors or trends in the external environment that the company may be able to exploit to its advantage. And threats are unfavorable external factors or trends that may present challenges to performance.(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 55)
We have a strong product but their are certain things we have to look at concerning the overall status of the product before we distribute. Our weakness is that this is a taste that many aren't familiar with and will have to first try it to see if it is a taste they would like or dislike. through word of mouth and advertising we can decrease this weakness and strengthen  the products name in the market. In a competitive market there are endless opportunities for growth, being as though our product is marketed to adults we can build a partnership with other brands and be placed in some of the same areas and regions as theirs. Our threat is that  the competitors prices, consumers might choose their product because it is a bit cheaper than ours is.
our strengths are that we took the best quality of ingredients to sharpen our edge in flavor along with the rare snack flavor.


"The process of finding a target market and narrowing your company's focus to appeal to it directly often trips up new businesses, who find it difficult to turn down business opportunities when they arise. But trying to be all things to all people is a sure way to fail in the marketplace". (
Our target market consists of adults in a social environment that may or may not serve alcohol. Bars, clubs and other party oriented spaces is where we will market our product to reach this particular consumer. the combination of drinking and socializing is a great mix for a small snack that isn't to much to handle while talking and is easy to obtain in these environments. While the market changes we will have to change with it to keep up with competing products under the same umbrella in which target market is concerned.
"In positioning its product, the company first identifies possible customer value differences that provide competitive advantages upon which to build the position. The company can offer greater customer value either by charging lower prices than competitors, or by offering more benefits to justify higher prices. But if the company promises greater value, it must then deliver that greater value. Thus, effective positioning begins with differentiation—actually differentiating the company’s market offering so that it gives consumers more value. Once the company has chosen a desired position, it must take strong steps to deliver and communicate that position to target consumers. The company’s entire marketing program should support the chosen positioning strategy." (Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 53 )
With the position we take in providing snacks for adults narrows the playing field when it comes to the snack market. in this was we pen point who it is we want to target and we devise a plan to reach them with extensive research to find the best possible way to get the word out about our product. In return we will gain loyalty with our customer with quality and the experience we provide with our snack. 


"The company’s strategic plan establishes what kinds of businesses the company will operate and its objectives for each. Then, within each business unit, more detailed planning takes place. The major functional departments in each unit—marketing, finance, accounting, purchasing, operations, information systems, human resources, and others—must work together to accomplish strategic objectives."(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing  Pg. 47 )
Our objective with Mga Mani is to let people become part of the voyage that Phileas took to acquire the flavor of this snack . We want the customer to feel the adventure in every bite they take with the island flavor combined with the story on the back. By setting the scene with the story on the back of the packaging it will let their imagination run wild while enjoying the flavor packed snack. We want them to witness the island feel where ever they are by eating our snack. "Inform target audience about features and benefits of our product and its competitive advantage, leading to a 10 percent increase in sales in one year."(


"Price The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that customers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service"(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 275 )
'Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue; all other elements represent costs. Price is also one of the most flexible marketing mix elements. Unlike product features and channel commitments, prices can be changed quickly. At the same time, pricing is the number-one problem facing many marketing executives, and many companies do not handle pricing well. Some managers view pricing as a big headache, preferring instead to focus on the other marketing mix elements. However, smart managers treat pricing as a key strategic tool for creating and capturing customer value."(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 275)
Pricing is very important for this brand we have two different prices that we will be running with in the market. The first price is geared towards the everyday consumer which is $3.00 for a 11 Oz bag of peanuts, this is a nice sized portion at a great price. That will be distributed to different grocery stores as well as small retailers for the everyday on the go consumer. The second price for the same size bag of peanuts goes for $5.00 and this will be distributed to casinos and other late night adult spots, in these places the consumer wont mind spending a couple extra dollars for the snack. With the difference of the prices being so close it shouldn't push the customer away form wanting it at that particular time. Managing the price seems to be one of the hardest parts of creating a product because of the competition in the market, you dont want to make it so cheap that it costs more to produce, and you dont want to make it to expensive that it gets looked over and other products are purchsaed. Keeping the quality high and the price average for its size will drive consumers to go with our specialty snack.  


"Promotion means activities that communicate the merits of the product and persuade target customers to buy it."(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing  Pg. 54  )

For promotion we will take a more of a hand to hand approach. We will go to various events and give samples of our product to build the loyalty in person instead of relying on commercials and posters. Even though we will include commercials and other facits of advertising, if we touch every lane of promotion it will build a bigger buzz for our snack. Advertising in bars and other adult social areas will familiarize are target with our target and at least they will want to try it. Word of mouth is the best promotion, by getting the consumer to tell the people around them will in exchange createa demand for tour snack and will cut back on promotion costs so we can focus on qulaity of the product. Social networks are a major part in our promotion, using these we can target the consumer in more detail to find the best places to sell our product.

"the company designs promotion programs that communicate the value proposition to target consumers and persuade them to act on the market offering."(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 31  )

Creating a demand through promotion gives our snack the edge to be great. 


"We define a product as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. Products include more than just tangible objects, such as cars, computers, or cell phones. Broadly defined, “products” also include services, events, persons, places, organizations, ideas, or mixes of these."(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 209)

The Creators of Mga Mani a Product of Phileas Fogg Snacks bring you a one of a kind blend of Philippine island flavor in snack size package. The blend of Adobo and peanuts will give you a burst of flavor that your looking for while socializing with friends, lounging around the house, or on the go. We capitalize on the consumers wants and needs to create the best product possible, making the product affordable and easy to obtain is our strong point. Only using the best quality of ingredients and keeping in mind the health of our consumers creates loyalty from out buyers. Keeping the packaging small easy to carry makes our product worth buying on the go.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

EOC Week 9: Three great mission statements

This week i went through my fellow classmates mission statements and all of them were great. I chose the following because of the content and direction of the statement.
Here at Phileas Fogg Snacks our mission is to continue providing a unique snacking experience with wholesome ingredients in convenience foods to the world’s premier consumer - equipping our customers with the food that creates an invigorating experience bite for bite.

I chose this one because it states to continue to provide the the product, and the whole project is rejuvinating a product that was around in the past. with the short but simple statement it explains everything the company is about.
Phileas Fogg Snake Skin chips are for the customer who enjoys create eating experiences and are looking for a culinary adventure. Our chips offers a worldwide enjoyment for all who don't mine alittle spice in their life

I Chose this particular statement because it states that it brings a culinary experiance, which is the whole reason why customers purchas certain items they love. It states worldwide enjoyment and the company is based on worldwide travel, it definitely stated what the customer would be looking for. 
Phileas Fogg's mission is to constantly deliver high quality snacked foods to our loyal customers coupled with the desire to cater to their needs. The Pepperoni Pizza flavored chip is cut thicker than other's so that there's more room for flavor with each and every bite - the sugar, spice, and everything nice are all key components that we all take into consideration. We sense our moral obligation to safeguard each other, our customers, and environment by aspiring to operate a safe, injury free and healthy work place.

I chose this one because it has everything a mission statement would have and more. It also gives a little more insight into the flavor of the product and morals of the company to secure longevity and loyal customers.


"Many organizations develop formal mission statements that answer these questions. A mission statement is a statement of the organization’s purpose—what it wants to accomplish in the larger environment. A clear mission statement acts as an “invisible hand” that guides people in the organization."(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing Pg. 39)With Mga Mani A product of Phileas Fogg snacks we take pride in offering the High quality flavor of Adobo a dish native to the Philippine Islands in a snack sized packaging. Peanuts roasted with a blend of  soy sauce, garlic, and vinegar bring a tropical taste where ever you are.
With this mission statement we express everthing the customer would like to experience in a product such as ours

Tuesday, November 27, 2012



My Dearest aunt Cynthia,

We have made it back stateside  from our voyage through the Philippine islands it was a rough but delightful trip. when we arrived we were greeted with the up most hospitality the village people were glade to see we have arrived. The weather was amazing half of the time but due to our poor timing it was in the middle of monsoon season so we were rained in for the other half of the trip. while we were rained in we learned allot of tradition and different cuisine from the natives. They introduced us to a dish called Adobo, it consist of vinegar, garlic, soy sauce and anything you want to cook along with it, it is a very delightful dish. We wanted to take a stroll through the market the next day to gather the ingredients for it but when we arrived the market was locked down by the rebels. Word was they were looking for us and were trashing everything in their way to find us. They burned down store fronts and destroyed the market due to the natives not giving our location. So we agreed to meet with them under two conditions and that was to be able to leave the island safely and to fix the damage they have done looking for us. We met with them in a remote part of the northern most island and it wasn't so great at first. We were tied up to posts and questioned about why were we where there. After 3 days of just being given water and fruit they finally let us go, we talked and exchanged different ideas and resources that were very dear to both groups. During our exchange we asked if we could be given the ingredients that we need to make the Adobo. They were happy to give us the ingredients and to prepare it for us. The next day we thanked them and the natives for their hospitality and told them we would see them soon. So from this trip i bring you these Adobo flavored Peanuts, they encompass the rich flavors of the dish. I hope everything is well enjoy    

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Us here Mga Mani Want to bring the best quality and flavor from the Philippine Islands in a bit size snack.
The Blend of Soy sauce, vinager, garlic, and roasted peanuts pack the perfect combination of flavor for enjoyment in a social setting. The small packaging provides a much easier way of snacking and talking at the same time at a very affordable price.  

My Dearest aunt Cynthia,

We have made it back stateside  from our voyage through the Philippine islands it was a rough but delightful trip. when we arrived we were greeted with the up most hospitality the village people were glade to see we have arrived. The weather was amazing half of the time but due to our poor timing it was in the middle of monsoon season so we were rained in for the other half of the trip. while we were rained in we learned allot of tradition and different cuisine from the natives. They introduced us to a dish called Adobo, it consist of vinegar, garlic, soy sauce and anything you want to cook along with it, it is a very delightful dish. We wanted to take a stroll through the market the next day to gather the ingredients for it but when we arrived the market was locked down by the rebels. Word was they were looking for us and were trashing everything in their way to find us. They burned down store fronts and destroyed the market due to the natives not giving our location. So we agreed to meet with them under two conditions and that was to be able to leave the island safely and to fix the damage they have done looking for us. We met with them in a remote part of the northern most island and it wasn't so great at first. We were tied up to posts and questioned about why were we where there. After 3 days of just being given water and fruit they finally let us go, we talked and exchanged different ideas and resources that were very dear to both groups. During our exchange we asked if we could be given the ingredients that we need to make the Adobo. They were happy to give us the ingredients and to prepare it for us. The next day we thanked them and the natives for their hospitality and told them we would see them soon. So from this trip i bring you these Adobo flavored Peanuts, they encompass the rich flavors of the dish. I hope everything is well enjoy

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Week 6 EOC: Mex3

The First item the defines me is my Sennheiser HD 280 Pro Black head Phones, I never  leave home without them they are the only headphones i use as far as music is concerned. I have grown attached to them, i love the sound quality in my opinion they are some of the best headphones on the market. If you ever see me with headphones on you will definitely see a pair of these.
The second item that defines me is my collection of Air Jordan Sneakers I've been wearing them since the day i was born, they have been apart of my life as well as culture. The Jordan brand is one of my favorite sneaker lines, in my shoe collection Jordan is the most i have out of every other shoe brand besides Nike.

The third item that defines me is my Timex Gold watch that i wear everyday, i used to wear a G-Shock watch but ever since i bought this one i could never go back. i like the look of it, very simple and stylish. The watch I'm shooting for is a Rolex, I'm one watch away from one

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

"People love talking about things that make them happy"-(Kotler, Philip, and Gary Armstrong Armstrong. Marketing: An Introduction. 10thth ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.) Through Media outlets companies have found a way to bring the experience everywhere you go and can be accessed at the drop of a dime. with this convinient way of advertising and marketing a product it has opened doors for advancement and has become lucrative. With the use of blogs, video chat, and instant messaging just to name a few sharing reviews , providing information, and spreading the word about a product has become a click of a button type of thing. the fast pace cyber world is instantaneous connection between customers and products. Companies have used the cyber world to build a closer relationship with consumers with interavtive websites and reading revies through comment boxes within the site to find out what more can the company provide. Comments and feedback makes it easier for a company when dealing with a certain target market, it lets the companies know whats in demand and who exactly is buying and sharing the products. "More companies are trying to tap Facebook Inc.'s 750-million-plus user base"- (
Companies tapping in to social media for means of hiring can be a great aspect for employers and can provide a little about the employee before hand. With Facebook companies can post job openings or give a link for applications and job fairs for the company. Connecting through various Professional link sites such as LINKED IN, companies can keep up with who is qualified fan opening and contact the employee for leads for the position.

Week Four EOC: Business To Business Marketing

 "With globalization, companies develop great products at home and then distribute them worldwide, with some adaptations to local conditions." (
GE Definitely has taken the business word by storm for about 130 years now with there, innovation of household appliances to locomotive transportation they have the longevity competing companies would do anything to have."GE’s approach to good citizenship is a full-time commitment with the same goals, strategies and accountabilities that drive any other part of our business. GE applies its long-standing spirit of innovation and unique set of capabilities to take on tough challenges in our communities." (
 Their insight on anything the have their hands on is what gives them the upper hand in selling products that are in demand. the quality of their products and reliability is exactly what the consumer is looking for, but what about business buyers? Well first GE has a wide range of products from your everyday products such as refrigerators to the transportation that bring the products to you. Business buyers are much different from consumer buying, there are many different different aspects in buying product. A consumer may do some research on the product and check prices of competitors to see what is affordable. business buyers actually have a team trained in buying "BETTER", they check different decision markers as well as influences to determined whether or not the product they are spending millions on is lucrative and reliable. sometimes the buying process is a very long process and has different levels, checking every detail of the product and seeing what is more environment efficient, reliable, and cost worthy just to name a few are what they look into. GE thrives off of their partnerships they create with they companies the sell to. Rather tan having a bunch of small companies buying from them. they focus on a few large buyers which makes a more close bond between them and the buyers. Working close with the buyer gives little room for error for the company buying product form the seller, they work together though every stage of the buying process.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Week 3 EOC: Making Money for Good

"A double dose of happy" ( Everything is a Site that caters to our children in the word, for every purchase of a product one is given to a child in need. When you purchase a product it gives you a registration code to pick where you want your gift to be sent. I think this is definitely putting money where your heart is, the money you spend is being put to help a child in need. There is nothing negative to say about charities like this that have proof of where the money is going, keeping the customer attached to where the donation is being sent is a plus. They have different characters for the blankets that keep smiles on both your child and a child in needs face. " Babyletto is a modern children's brand" ( There Babyletto snuggle wrap's proceeds go to fund an infant incubator to help a child in need. Helping fund a incubator is very important due to the fact that this the start of a childs lifeand making sure there is anything to help develop the infant is a must.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 2 EOC: Boston Consulting Group - Video Games

"Xbox Gives Microsoft a Head Start in the Battle for Every Screen" ( Xbox 360 is definitely a cash cow with new inovative updates to the console, and is trying to grow as a company with more portable based gaming. "Microsoft has something Apple and Google msut envy, It has sold 67 million Xbox 360 consoles and has more than 40 million Xbox Live members". (, With this strong support group behind it hit can't loose trying to bring the Xbox experience everywhere you go. Plans to push Gaming to mobile devices is great, because a vast majority already use their mobile devices for almost anything these days. Playstation 3 would go under Star in my opinion, but it is not far from a cash caw with the perk of free online membership and a better browsing format from the console. The new slimmer version of it is more portable but you have to purchase a stand to set it vertically for game play, this problem wasn't as bad as the highlighted troubles Sony faced. "The biggest of these included the earthquake that devastated Japan and the slew of cyber security breaches it's suffered." ( Nintendo Wii would would go in between the question mark and dog, it's like the fun has come and gone with this console. With Xbox Kinect which is hands free it is a more motion based experience, but if they can come up with a new updated technology that is lucrative i don't see them winning the race anytime soon.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week One EOC: My Voice

Audio is my vice I don’t look at becoming an audio professional as a dream but more of a reality.  I love how broad the audio industry is and try to involve myself in every aspect of for the experience. Keeping an open mind unlocks great vision in any industry and nothing is out of reach. I currently work with A group of engineers, song writers and producers called “THE WEAPONS”. We share ideas and techniques with one another when working on projects whether it be music or video. I’m mainly into the music side of audio production, it gives me a chance to create from my own perception when working on my own projects, but when I’m working with another individual on their project I try to combine both worlds into one. Listening, leaning, and creating my own style of production is what I like to do, I like to have a broad range of styles to keep my work unique, Sharing my vision is the most is one of the reasons I jumped into the audio industry


  My greatest customer service experience was in a shoe store called Palace 5, they sell Dead stock and rare sneakers as well as others. It was a boutique for sneakers mainly but they also sold skateboards, t-shirts, and hats. I walked in and was greeted by a guy and a girl that were changing displays on the wall, This was my first time there so I looked around for a couple of minutes I admired the way the store was set up it had a real comfortable vibe to it. While looking around at some shirts I noticed a pair of Nike Dunk SB's I had been looking for. I was assisted imidialtly; I told the guy my size and looked around for a shirt or hat to go with it. So the salesman came back and told me they didn’t have my size but they did have a couple of pairs in my size I might be interested in, I definitely was interested in two pairs he brought out. We started chatting about sneaker releases and what sneakers we had in our personal collection; I mention I was looking for a pair of infrared Nike Air Max 90’s. He told me they had a dead stock pair in the back and that he would take a little off the price since I was purchasing 2 pairs already, I accepted the offer and we went to the register for checkout. Since it was my first time there he threw in a shirt and a hat, free is always good. He told me if I was ever looking for anything specific give him a call and they would special order it for me and to come back again, that was great I was happy the store made money this was definitely one of the greatest customer service experiences I had.